Tresor mputu current teams in sweet

Tresor mputu current teams in sweet potato

Stats of Trésor Mputu.

tresor mputu current teams in sweet

Tresor mputu current teams in sweet

Trésor Mputu career statistics, match ratings, heatmap and goals are available on Sofascore for current and previous seasons.

Tresor mputu current teams in sweet 16

View Tresor Mputu stats in detail (appearances, goals, cards / leagues, cups, national team), transfer value, contract length, transfer history including transfer fees, injury updates or unique Missing: sweet.
Tresor mputu current teams in sweet 15
First name Trésor Last name Mputu Mabi Nationality Congo DR Date of birth 10 December Age 39 Country of birth Congo DR Place of birth Kinshasa PositionMissing: sweet.