Stacious biography of albert einstein

Biography of albert einstein summary

Largely based on biographical material in “Albert Einstein: a photographic story of a life” Albert Einstein was the first-born son of Hermann Einstein and Pauline Koch, who married on August Missing: stacious.
stacious biography of albert einstein

Stacious biography of albert einstein

Albert Einstein (* marec , Ulm, Nemecké cisárstvo – † apríl , Princeton, New Jersey, USA) bol švajčiarsko-americký teoretický fyzik nemecko-židovského pôvodu, ktorý je považovaný za najvýznamnejšieho vedca storočia.

Stacious biography of albert einstein for kids

Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist and the most famous scientist in human history.

Stacious biography of albert einstein scientist
Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist and the most famous scientist in human history.