Hazrat amir khusro biography

Amir khusro tomb

Abu'l Hasan Yamīn ud-Dīn Khusrau ( – AD), better known as Amīr Khusrau, sometimes spelled as, Amir Khusrow or Amir Khusro, was an Indo-Persian Sufi singer, musician, poet and scholar, who lived during the period of the Delhi Sultanate.

hazrat amir khusro biography

Amir khusro ghazal

Amir Khusrow's literary contributions have had a profound impact on Indian culture.

Amir khusro biography in urdu

Abul Hasan Yaminuddin, better known as Amir Khusrau () after being decorated with the title of Emir by one of his patrons, had the unique distinction of being a soldier, courtier, .
Amir khusro poems
In the history of India ’s intellectual world, Hazrat Amir Khusro enjoys an ever-lasting fame as one of the most versatile poets and prolific prose-writers of the 13th century AD.